
In this work, characters are photographed in their usual life.

The images show moments of intimacy, precious and delicate,
which beyond their simplicity put into light an everyday life reality.
The point of view, from the ceiling or the sky, breaks this commonness

by representing in a pictorial way those pieces of humanity.
By recreating a visual universe,
reorganizing proportions and erasing the notion of perspective,
this vision provokes and makes the viewer lose his usual, conventional reading marks.
The character is set in a delimited space.

Main element of the photograph,
the confrontation between trivial matter and its aesthetic representation
acts toward him as a feeling telltale.
It is thru these emotions and infinitely human and romantic feelings
that the symbolic character gives his relevance and strength to the image :
express the harassment of the heart and the soul,
the “ vertigo of everyday life “ buried under this trivial appearance.

scenes of life, lucie & simon

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